ExcelsiusGPS Roadshow in Portugal
Overpharma and Globus Medical have organized a ExcelsiusGPS roadshow in Portugal between April 26th and April 30th.
The goal was clear: placing robotic navigation platform ExcelsiusGPS in every hospital's OR in a as close to real scenario as possible as a way of showcasing the impact of this technology in surgery, the workflows available, the possibility of planning trajectories and to show how ExcelsiusGPS can adapt to any OR and easily integrates with the current intra-operative imaging available.
We were on three highly renowed OR with both orthopedic and neurosurgeons and were able to witness, with joy, the amazing feedback we get from surgeons, nurses and technicians to ExcelsiusGPS robotic navigation platform.
Overpharma wishes to thank all for their willingness to learn more about ExcelsiusGPS and the opportunity given. We remain side-by-side with inovation and improvement of the treatment and care of spine pathologies in Portugal.

Patient World Day
Celebra-se hoje, dia 11 de fevereiro, o Dia Mundial do Doente.
Instituída em 1992, pelo Papa João Paulo II, a data visa sensibilizar a sociedade civil para a necessidade de apoiar e ajudar todas os doentes.
Qualificar o acesso dos utentes aos cuidados de saúde, colocando o doente no centro do sistema de saúde, tem sido uma recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde, seguida pelo Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS).
Para assinalar a efeméride, o Hospital Garcia de Orta promove, através da sua Comissão de Humanização, o webinar Conversas sobre o Dia Mundial do Doente, «que celebra a honra e a dignidade de toda a pessoa no seu adoecer e sofrimento, celebrando a sua coragem de lutar pela Vida, como principal valor da existência humana».
Por sua vez, o Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC) assinala o Dia Mundial do Doente com o lançamento da coletânea de comunicações «Literacia em Saúde, um desafio emergente – contributos para a mudança de comportamento», disponível no site do CHUC e rede social facebook.
A iniciativa visa aumentar a literacia e a participação dos doentes, dos seus familiares e/ou cuidadores na melhoria, na qualidade e segurança da prestação de cuidados de saúde.

First VBT Reflect case done in Portugal
The first VBT Reflect case done in Portugal took place on October 27th on Coimbra.
It's a motion sparring technique in the treatment of pediatric scoliosis known as vertebral body tethering which consists in applying tension to a cord which connects screws placed on the vertebral body laterally on the toracic and lumbar spine.
Overpharma congratulates and thanks Dr. Tah Pu Ling, Dr. Pedro Sá Cardoso. Dr. Oliana Tarquini and remaining staff from Coimbra Children's Hospital by this first endeavour which counted with the presence and support of Dr. Per Trobisch, well-known and reknowned orthopedic surgeon key opinion leader for tethering and spine deformities in general.
We are, once again, side-by-side with innovation and improvement in the treatment of spine pathologies in Portugal.

ExcelsiusGPS in Portugal
May 4th marks the date of the first deployment of ExcelsiusGPS robotic plataform in Portugal.
Action took place on Casa de Saúde de Santa Filomena, in Coimbra, by the hand of Dr. Luís Teixeira and remaining Spine Center surgeon team.
Applying robotic to surgery is becoming a reality in Portugal, Europe and USA in several medical specialties. When used within the scope of spine surgery it adds value on the planning and execution stages.
Overpharma would like to thank to Dr. Luís Teixeira and remaining Spine Center team for the commitment to learn more about EGPS, to all healthcare professionals from Casa de Saúde de Santa Filomena that made this event a success and to Globus Medical for the worldclass technical support provided.
World Health Day
World Health Day! The date was chosen by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948, when the first WHO assembly was organized. It is a unique opportunity to alert civil society to key health issues that affect humanity, especially in the current situation.
It is a tribute to all health professionals and caregivers!

The FDA has granted CARMAT approval to use the new version of its artificial heart in the EFS. This new version includes certain improvements in the prosthesis and the wearable system based on clinical experience gained in the PIVOTAL study. The company believes that this latest version should further improve patient safety and quality of life.

Blind man recover his vision after surgery with artificial cornea
78 years old patient could see his family and read numbers after surgery.

Nuno Neves takes on SPPCV leadership (2021-2022)
SPPCV nominated the orthopedic surgeon Nuno Neves has Chairman for the next two years (2021-2022).

New Social Entities of SPNC 2021-2022
The SPNC General Meeting was held on a presencial and online format last December 11th.
The elected list for SPCN social entities for 2021-2022:
President – Domingos Coiteiro (Lisboa)
Vice-President – Cátia Gradil (Almada)
Secretary – Mário Gomes (Porto)
President – Patrícia Polónia (Porto)
Vice-President Southern Region – Alexandre Rainha Campos (Lisboa)
Vice-President Center Region – José Gustavo Bento Soares (Coimbra)
Secretary – Pedro Alberto Silva (Porto)
Treasurer – Carla Reizinho (Lisboa)
President – Paulo Pereira (Porto)
Member – Rui Almeida (Braga)
Member – Lia Pappamikail (Faro)
The elected Social Entities have taken charge since January 1st 2021.

Airtraq News!
New camera in Airtraq videolaryngoscopes in essential time!

You can see and review all about COVI-19 statistic:

First endovascular surgery in São João with endoprosthesis fenestration on the table to exclude aortic arch aneurysm performed
The Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of the University Hospital Center of São João (CHUSJ) performed for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula, and for the second in Europe, the first endovascular surgery to exclude aortic arch aneurysm with fenestration in the thoracic endoprosthesis table. This innovative technique, called fTEVAR, allows the prosthesis to be adapted to the patient's anatomy with millimeter accuracy in real time.
Assisted by the creator and most experienced performer of the technique, Chang Shu, CHUSJ vascular surgeons totally treated a 57-year-old patient with a massive aneurysm of the arch, preserving all supra-aortic trunks, namely left subclavian artery.
This groundbreaking technique will allow in real-time, in-situ (in-patient) or operating table (out-of-patient) fenestrations to be performed for all supra-aortic trunks, significantly expanding endovascular treatment methods for complex pathology of the aortic arch by primary aneurysmal degeneration or after dissection.